- Download google-docs-upload
- Create the script below in /Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts/transfer - Google Docs.scrp
- Right-click on a folder in finder and select Folder Actions Setup...
- Select the script and you are good to go!
- Now anything you put in that folder will be uploaded to Google docs!
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items repeat with aFile in added_items do shell script "java -jar /Users/OSX_USERNAME/Library/Scripts/google-docs-upload-1.3.2.jar " & quoted form of POSIX path of aFile & " --skip-all -u EMAIL_ADDRESS_FOR_GOOGLE_DOCS -p PASSWORD >> /Users/OSX_USERNAME/Library/Scripts/GDocs-upload-log.txt" end repeat end adding folder items to
The script as-is will upload to your root folder in Google Docs, however, by adding the --remote-folder switch, you can specify where you want it to be. You could create a number of different scripts for different destinations.
Happy Birthday Angel!